The project "Solarna karta" is an innovative digital solution that allows users to easily explore the solar potential of their roofs and maximize its use. With more than 2,000 hours of sunshine per year, Croatia is among the countries with the highest solar potential in Europe.
Inovapro d.o.o.


The project utilizes the latest LiDAR data from multisensor surveys of the Republic of Croatia. By processing data, roof segments have been created and classified based on their shape and orientation. Using geolocation, the orientation of the selected roof surface, the roof pitch, and the type of roof covering, system analyzes the possibilities for installing photovoltaic panels on the selected roof surface. Users can choose the power plant model that best suits their energy needs and compare calculations with their actual electricity consumption. “Solarna karta” provides an estimate of annual electricity production, a cost calculation for procurement and installation, and a profitability analysis.


Through the project “Solarna karta”, broad access to information about solar energy and roof potential has been enabled, encouraging the transition to sustainable energy sources. A transparent presentation of costs and energy production potential helps users make informed decisions about investing in a solar power plant. Additionally, the project raises awareness of the importance of using renewable energy sources and their long-term profitability. “Solarna karta” allows users to obtain all the necessary information for switching to solar energy in just a few clicks, contributing to a sustainable future.
To visit the site, click here.